Bard Resource Conservation District
Bard, CA 92222
Beginning at the intersection of the north boundary line of the Laguna School District and the center line of the channel of the Colorado River; thence following along said center line southwesterly and westerly, to the point of intersection of said center line of the channel of the Colorado River with the south boundary line of the Fort Yuma School District; thence west along said south boundary line 2.5 miles, more or less, to the southwest corner of Section 23, in Township 16 South, Range 21 East, of S.B.M., which is also the southwest corner of said Fort Yuma School District; thence north along the west line of said school district 6 miles, to the northwest corner of said Fort Yuma School District, which is also the northwest corner of Section 26, Township 15 South, Range 21 East, S.B.M.; thence east 2 miles to the southwest corner of Laguna School District; thence north 4 miles along the west line of said School District to the northwest corner thereof, which is also the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 15 South, Rance 22 East S.B.M.; thence east 14.5 miles, more or less, along the north line of said Laguna School District to the intersection thereof with the center line of the channel of the Colorado River, and place of beginning, except therefrom the Townsite of Winterhaven and Central Addition to Winterhaven.
The district formulates policies for the conservation of soil and water within the Bard Valley.
Bard Water District
Winterhaven, CA 92283
The district’s service area lies within the Bard Valley of southeastern California encompassing 14,676 acres. The district is located within the Reservation Division of the Yuma Project, a Federal Reclamation Project located in California, on the lower Colorado River.
The Bard Water District provides Colorado River water for irrigation to the Yuma Project Reservation Division, comprised of Quechan Tribal and privately deeded lands within the Fort Yuma, Winterhaven, and Bard areas, which total 14,676 irrigable acres.
1473 Ross Rd.
Winterhaven, CA 92283
Bombay Beach CSD
Niland, CA 92257
Bombay Beach is located in Southern California’s Sonoran Desert, on the eastern shore of the Salton Sea, 4 miles west-southwest of Frink, 20 miles north of Niland, marks the southern end of the San Andreas Fault where the southern terminus of the San Andreas transitions into the Brawley Seismic Zone, and is the lowest community in the United States being 223 feet below sea level.
The Bombay Beach CSD provides street lighting, park services, emergency response services, and trash collection to the Bombay Beach Community. The emergency response unit is currently suspended, which is a team of 11 volunteers, who will act as 1st responders until the Imperial County Fire & Sheriff arrive. The unit went through training a while back, and most received their CPR certifications, however, due to a lack of good scheduled training from the Imperial County Fire, the program stalled. The district is still looking to create this unit but needs help from county agencies to provide them with the assistance they need.
The Coachella Valley Water District provides potable water and sewer services. The Imperial County Fire Department provides fire protection and emergency medical services. The Imperial County Sheriff’s Office North County Patrol Division provides law enforcement.
Niland, CA 92257
Cady Poe Colonia (CSA)
El Centro, CA 92243
The Poe Colonia is located in the south-central Imperial County approximately two miles west of the City of Brawley in an unincorporated community within Imperial County. It is under the administrative jurisdiction of the county board of supervisors. Locals often refer to the Poe Colonia as the Poe Subdivision. State Highway 86, Cady and Kalin Roads are the main arterials to the community. A colonia is defined by state and federal housing guidelines as a residential area within 150 miles of the U.S./Mexico border that has a concentration of low-income households and lacks a permanent potable water supply and sewage system. The state provides block grant funds to assist local communities in providing public services to colonias. Accordingly, the City of Brawley has extended water lines to serve the Poe Colonia (but no sewer).
The district provides wastewater treatment to 36 residential connections just outside the City of Brawley.
Central Valley Cemetery District
El Centro, CA 92243
The Imperial Valley
The district provides cemetery services, which include a wide selection of interment, and cremation placement options. The district has three locations, Evergreen Cemetery in El Centro, Terrace Park Cemetery in Holtville, and Imperial Cemetery in Imperial.
201 E. Gillett Road
El Centro, CA 92243
Coachella Valley Water District
Coachella, CA 92236
CVWD's service area covers approximately 1,000 square miles from the San Gorgonio Pass to the Salton Sea, mostly within the Coachella Valley in Riverside County, California. The boundaries also extend into small portions of Imperial and San Diego counties. Water service is provided to 113,000 homes and businesses. Agricultural drainage is provided to more than 37,000 acres of farmland. Sewer service is provided to 94,000 homes and businesses. Stormwater protection is provided for 590 square miles in the Coachella Valley. Recycled water and non-potable water are used to irrigate golf courses and other large landscapes.
The district provides wastewater services to Bombay Beach and potable water services to Bombay Beach & Salton City. The district’s principal county is the county of Riverside. The district delivers irrigation and domestic (drinking) water, collects and recycles wastewater, provides regional stormwater protection, replenishes the groundwater basin, and promotes water conservation.
75515 Hovley Lane East / 51501 Tyler Street
Palm Desert / Coachella, CA 92211 / 92236
Gateway of The America's (CSA)
El Centro, CA 92243
The Gateway of the Americas planning area comprises approximately 1,775 gross acres of land in Imperial County, California, adjacent to the International Border with Mexico and about 6 miles east of the City of Calexico. The Gateway of the America's planning area is roughly bounded by the International Border to the south, the Alamo River to the east, the Ash Canal to the west, and on the north by a line approximately one-quarter mile north of and parallel to State Route 98 (SR-98).
The district provides potable water, wastewater, drainage, and landscaping/lighting services. The district is a master planned industrial and commercial complex consisting of 1,775 acres.
Heber Public Utility District
Heber, CA 92249
Heber, an unincorporated community of approximately nine square-mile area located 224 miles southeast of Los Angeles, 675 miles southeast of San Francisco, 117 miles east of San Diego, 240 miles west of Phoenix, and 6 miles north of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. The townsite of Heber is uniquely situated between the two most populated cities within Imperial County: El Centro and Calexico. Heber’s developed area covers approximately 1.63 square miles and is accessed from the east via Highway 111, a primary north/south transportation corridor. Highway 111 provides regional transportation services and connects the major jurisdictions in Imperial County. El Centro and Calexico are located one mile north and one mile south from the townsite. Heber is located approximately 7 miles north of the U.S./Mexico border and Calexico Port of Entry. The legal Heber Public Utility District Boundary is uniquely shaped and may be generally described as bound by Correll Road to the north, (inclusive of 79 acres located at the northwest corner of Correll Road and Dogwood Road), extending south to Jasper Road, Pitzer Road to the east, and reaching what would be an extension of Farnsworth Road to the west. The approved Sphere of Influence boundaries are described as McCabe Road to the north, State Highway 86 to the west, Willoughby/Jasper Road to the south, and State Highway 111 to the east, inclusive of a small, expanded area consisting of approximately 142 acres, east of Highway 111 between Heber Road and Abatti Road, encompassing the Imperial Center.
The district provides parks/recreation, potable water, and solid wastewater services to an estimated population of 6,979 in the townsite of Heber.
Heber, CA 92249
Heffernan Memorial Healthcare - Dissolved on 7/25/2024 per AB918
Calexico, CA 92231
The district extends from east to west and is contiguous with the international border with Mexico. The district's boundaries encompass the City of Calexico and some unincorporated territory.
The district provides healthcare-related services to the City of Calexico.
Calexico, CA 92231
Imperial Irrigation District
Imperial, CA 92251
IID covers an irrigation service area of 1,658 square miles and an energy service area of 6,897 square miles, which partially overlap. Not all of the communities in Imperial County are within the water service area and not all Riverside County communities are within the energy service area. Borrego Springs (in San Diego County) only receives incidental IID energy services. Raw Water services in the Imperial County are provided to (the City of Brawley, the City of Calexico, the City of Calipatria, the City of El Centro, Heber CDP, the City of Holtville, the City of Imperial, Niland CDP, Seeley CDP, and the City of Westmorland).
The district provides raw water services throughout the Imperial County. The district provides energy services to Imperial County, portions of Riverside County, and Borrego Springs for emergency purposes.
1285 Broadway
El Centro, CA 92243
Imperial Valley Healthcare District
Calexico, CA 92231
601 Heber Avenue
Calexico, CA 92231
Niland County Sanitation District
El Centro, CA 92243
Niland is an unincorporated community located in Imperial County, approximately 45 miles north of the California-Mexico border in the Imperial Valley of California. State Highway 111 runs north and south along the western portion of the community and is the main arterial in Niland. The Salton Sea is located approximately two miles to the west. The town is bordered to the east and northeast by agricultural fields and the Salton Sea to the west, and extensive agricultural development of the Imperial Valley to the south.
The district provides wastewater services to the townsite of Niland. Potable water is provided by the privately owned and operated Golden State Water Company.
Niland County Service Area #1
El Centro, CA 92243
The Niland County Service Area #1 is located in the northern half of the Imperial Valley, east of the Salton Sea on State Highway 111. The unincorporated area is bounded on the west by Nieto Road, on the north by the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, approximately 1,000 feet north of Beal Road, on the east by extensions of Cuff Road and Memphis Avenue, and on the south by Noffsinger and Alcott Roads.
The district provides streetlighting services to the townsite of Niland.
Palo Verde County Water
Palo Verde, CA 92225
Beginning at a point on the boundary line between Riverside and Imperial Counties, indicated by a ¾ inch pipe set in the center like of Main Street of Palo Verde; thence North 89° 53’ 24” West 330.3 feet to a point; thence South 2° 23’ 24” East along the West line of Palo Verde Townsite to the Southwest corner of Lot 9, Block 5 of Palo Verde Town-site; thence East-erly along the South line of Palo Verde Town-site to a point in the West line of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the North-west quarter of Section 2, Township 9 South, Range 21 East, S.B.B. & M.; thence Southerly along said West line to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 2; thence Easterly along the mid-section of Section 2, Township 9 South, Range 21 East, to a 2 inch iron pipe set for the cent of said Section 2; thence Southerly and Easterly along the West and South boundary of said Sunrise Tract to a point in the Palo Verde Lagoon, thence in a Northerly direction along the West line of the Palo Verde Lagoon to its intersection with the boundary line between Riverside and Imperial Counties; thence Westerly along the boundary line between Riverside and Imperial Counties to the point of beginning.
The district provides potable water, and wastewater services to approximately 133 connections.
Palo Verde Irrigation District
Blythe, CA 92225
The Palo Verde Irrigation District occupies about 189 square miles of territory in Riverside and Imperial Counties, California. The district contains approximately 131,298 acres, 26,798 acres of which are on the Palo Verde Mesa. This Mesa lies just west of, and from 80 to 130 feet higher than, the valley. A portion of the Mesa area lies within the boundaries of the Palo Verde Irrigation District.
The district provides irrigation water. The district’s principal county is the county of Riverside.
Palo Verde Resource Conservation
Blythe, CA 92226
Palo Verde Resource Conservation District (PVRCD) is a small RCD nestled in the Southern Baja region, with its eastern border meeting with Arizona’s border.
The district formulates policies for the conservation of soil and water within Palo Verde. The district’s principal county is the county of Riverside.
Pioneers Memorial Healthcare - Dissolved on 10/24/2024 per AB 918 but action stayed pending lawsuit, per lawsuit dissolved on 1/21/2025
The Imperial Valley
The district operates a hospital and is located in the City of Brawley.
Brawley, CA 92227
Riverview Cemetery District
Brawley, CA 92227
The Imperial Valley
The district provides cemetery services, which include a wide selection of interment, and cremation placement options.
4700 Hovley Road
Brawley, CA 92227
Salton CSD
Salton City, CA 92275
Residents and businesses of Salton City and Desert Shores Communities on the West Shores of the Salton Sea, approximately 20,480 acres.
The district provides solid waste, sewer treatment, and parks & recreation services.
Salton City, CA 92275
Seeley County Water District
Seeley, CA 92273
The townsite of Seeley is a small community situated west of the City of El Centro approximately 7.5 miles from El Centro. Seeley is an unincorporated community within Imperial County and partially serviced by the Imperial County and other public agencies, including a school district and public utility districts. Seeley is located approximately 10 miles northwest from the U.S./Mexico border and Calexico Port of Entry. Seeley’s developed area covers approximately 2.37 square miles and is accessed from the east from Evan Hewes Highway and from the south by Interstate 8 which traverses the community at a west/east orientation. Interstate 8 connects to San Diego located approximately 106 miles to the west of Seeley. The legal Seeley County Water District Boundary is uniquely shaped and may be generally described as bound by El Centro Street to the north, extending south to Sunbeam Lake Road, Seeley Drain to the east, and reaching New River Boulevard to the west. The approved sphere of Influence boundaries is described as El Centro Street to the north, New River to the west, Interstate 8 to the south, and Bennet Road to the east.
The district provides potable water and wastewater services.
1898 W. Main St.
Seeley, CA 92273
Winterhaven County Water District
Winterhaven, CA 92283
Winterhaven is a small community in Imperial County, California, near the border with Arizona and Mexico. Winterhaven is 6.5 miles (10 km) east of Pilot Knob. It is part of the El Centro, CA Metropolitan Area. North of Interstate 8 and bordering Yuma, Arizona, the town is partly in the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation. The Colorado River marks the town's southern border. Winterhaven is the southeasternmost settlement in California.
The district provides potable water and wastewater services. The district contracts with the City of Yuma to transmit sewage to the city for treatment.
494 2nd Ave
Winterhaven, CA 92283