Frequently Asked Questions

LAFCO, which stands for "Local Agency Formation Commission," is a public agency with county-wide jurisdiction established by State Law (the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000). The Act aims to discourage urban sprawl and promote the orderly and efficient provision of services, including water, sewer, and fire protection. LAFCO is responsible for overseeing changes to local government boundaries, including the formation and expansion of cities and special districts.

The Cortese Knox Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 (California Government Code Section 56000 et seq.) is the primary law that governs LAFCOs. This Act establishes how LAFCOs are formed and sets forth the powers and duties of LAFCOs.

LAFCOs must comply with the following state laws:

  • California Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 93 and 99: LAFCO considers the proposals' revenue and taxation implications and initiates the property tax negotiation process amongst agencies affected by the proposal.

  • California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) (California Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) and the related CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of Regulations Section 15000 et seq.): In most instances, applications before LAFCO are considered to be “projects” under CEQA, which requires that potential environmental impacts be analyzed before the Commission's action.

  • Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.): Commonly known as the State’s “open meeting law,” the Brown Act ensures that the public has adequate opportunity to participate in the LAFCO process.

  • Political Reform Act (California Government Code Section 81000 et seq): Commissioners and some LAFCO staff (Executive Officers) are subject to the Act, which requires filing annual reports of economic interests.

The Commission consists of eight members:

  • Two members from the Imperial County Board of Supervisors and one alternate member

  • Two members from the City Councils and one alternate member

  • One public member and one alternate member

LAFCO oversees changes to local government boundaries involving the formation and expansion of Cities and Special Districts. This includes annexations and detachments of territory to and/or from Cities and Special Districts, incorporations of new Cities; formations of new Special Districts, consolidations of Cities or Special Districts; mergers of Special Districts with Cities, and dissolutions of existing Districts. LAFCO also approves or denies proposals from Cities and Special Districts to provide municipal services outside their jurisdictional boundaries.

LAFCO determines a Sphere of Influence (“SOI”), a plan for the probable physical boundaries and service areas for each City and Special District in the County. All jurisdictional changes, such as incorporations, annexations, and detachments, must be consistent with the affected agency’s Sphere of Influence, with limited exceptions.

LAFCO also prepares Municipal Service Reviews (“MSRs”), a comprehensive analysis of the municipal services provided in a particular City or Special district.

The Imperial County Board of Supervisors appoints two County Commissioners and one Alternate. The City Selection Committee, comprised of representatives from the City Councils, appoints two City Commissioners and one Alternate. The Commission appoints the Public Commissioner and one Alternate.

LAFCOs are independent public agencies that administer the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. They are created by the state with local appointees, and each of the 58 counties in the State of California has its own LAFCO. Each LAFCO operates independently and has authority only within its corresponding county. Although a LAFCO may purchase services such as legal counsel or medical insurance from a county, it is not considered a county agency.

The Commission holds regular meetings at 8:30 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. Occasionally, the Commission will schedule special meetings on a date other than the fourth Thursday of the month.

Commission meetings occur in the El Centro City Council Chambers at 1275 W. Main Street in El Centro, CA. Public Notices, including the Commission Agendas, are published in the Imperial Valley Press, outside the LAFCO office, and on our website at

The LAFCO office is situated at 1122 W. State Street, Suite D in El Centro, CA. The office hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The office is closed on Fridays.

LAFCO is responsible for regulating the boundaries of all seven incorporated cities within the County of Imperial. LAFCO also oversees the boundaries of various Special Districts, including but not limited to:

  • Cemetery Districts

  • Community Service Districts ("CSDs")

  • County Service Areas ("CSAs")

  • County Waterworks Districts

  • Fire Protection Districts

  • Hospital and Healthcare Districts

  • Irrigation Districts

  • Library Districts

  • Municipal Utility Districts

  • Reclamation Districts

  • Recreation and Parks Districts

  • Resource Conservation Districts

  • Sanitation Districts

  • Water Districts

The legislature has established a "uniform process" for boundary changes for Cities and Special Districts in the Cortese Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 (California Government Code Section 56000 et seq). The Act delegates the Legislature's boundary powers over Cities and Special Districts to LAFCO.

Which jurisdictional boundaries are not regulated by LAFCO?

  • LAFCO does not regulate boundaries for Counties.

  • LAFCO does not regulate boundaries for the following Public Agencies:

    • Air Pollution Control Districts

    • Bridge, Highway, and Thoroughfare Districts

    • Community College Districts

    • Community Facility Districts (also known as "Mello-Roos" Districts)

    • Improvement Districts

    • Redevelopment Agencies

    • School Districts

    • Special Assessment Districts

    • Transit and Transportation Districts

No, Imperial LAFCO is an agency mandated by the state to independently administer a section of planning law known as the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000.

Imperial LAFCO is funded by the 7 cities of Imperial County and the County itself. According to the Government Code, the cities collectively cover half of the budget, while the County covers the other half.

A Sphere of Influence is a defined boundary line set by LAFCO to outline the future boundary and service area for a City or a Special District. It typically represents an area for future growth over a 20 to 25-year period.

A Municipal Service Review (MSR) is a thorough study meant to provide LAFCO, local agencies, and the community with better insights into the provision of municipal services. State law mandates that MSRs be conducted every 5 years and approved before any changes to the Sphere of Influence are considered. In Imperial County, these are known as Service Area Plans (SAP).

Annexation refers to the act of including, attaching, or adding territory to a city or a district.

A request for service by a City, a District, or a Public Agency that is outside the Agency's jurisdictional boundaries pursuant to Sections 56133 and 56134.